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Pat Neff's 60th Dine Out Celebration 9-27-24
Leo Draegert, Doug Wheeler, Pat Duff, Larry LaMasters, Pat Helfer, Wayne Bannon
Linda Eggleston, Ron Hillis, Jim Clark, Stan Heil, Ed Morrison, Roger Warden
Theone Eaton, Mike Himes, Pat Neff, Vic Hellberg
Jeff Downing Dine Out 11-11-23

Left to right: Mike Himes, Karen Himes, Linda Shollenbarger Eggleston. Pat Lang Helfer, Denise Andrews, Willie Andrews, John Helfer, Leo Draegert, Vic Hellberg, Gayle Hellberg, Patty Gould Duff, Jeff Downing, Sharon KC Collins Hummel, Don Hummel.

62, 63, & 64 Combined Class Reunion
Leo Draegert did a live post on Facebook (two classmates at table)
Wayne Bannon brought a special friend and teacher from Anson!!!
Jim Clark Teacher and Coach!!!
Jeff Downing Dine Out
Left to right - outside first: Keith Mathes, Jeff Downing, Gayle Hellberg, Vic Hellberg Ed Morrison, Sandy Morrison, Ed Burns, Leslie Burns, Leo Draegert, Willie Andrews, Denise Andrews, Steve Storjohann, Alecia Storjohann.  Same from inside: Mike Himes, Al Hoop, Pat Gould Duff, Stan Heil, Corrine Heil, John Helfer, Pat Lang Helfer
Two views of the sign back in place.
Update 1-10-21
The new entrance on the west side of the building.
New hallway.  New doors at other end and donor wall at left.
Donor wall
Each panel is separate. Note the medal at bottom of panels are separate.
Finished interior.  Standing at old main door to enter.  Note no stage.
Turning to the right (west).
Blue Room still being worked on.
Hallway upstairs.
Turning left into the community room which can divide into 3 rooms. Windows are on State Street.
The old entrance on State Street which will be the Veteran's Gallery.
Update 7-7-20
I am at the main door entrance to the coliseum.  Note the scaffold from the other side.  Also the new windows to the west and the air ducts in the ceiling.  Geoff Hubbard, our director of Park and Rec, gave me the tour today.
2. Those are the three doors to State Street.  This is the Veterans Hallway which will have all the memoribilia on the walls.  That is Geoff in the new hallway to the west.
3. This is the hallway to the west and the wall on the left is for our Donor Wall.  We will have the whole area to the hole just before the doorway.  The recessed area above it will be for lighting our wall.  The design is being worked on now and you will be very pleased.
4. This is the Blue Room.
5. At the far west end of that hallway pictured above, is the new kitchen area.  The serving window goes to the main room.
6. This is the big community room in the front on the second floor.  It can be used as a full room or it divides into three separate rooms.  The workers are starting to do the "mudding" of the sheetrock.
Update 6-26-20
Today I noticed two sets of scaffolding and the last roof support between them ready to be lifted up.  Notice the two brick walls beside the stage are gone.
Coliseum Update 6-16-20
(1) Moving in the roof support.
(2) Starting the plan how to get it through the small opening.
(3) Consulting 
(4) Trying something else.
(5) I think it is going to make it.
(6) Supports can be seen behind the scaffolding 
(7) Workers up there bringing down the stage wall
(8) New entrance and elevator area on west side.
(9) Removing old windows.
(10) New windows in and old doors gone.
Coliseum Update 5-16-20

Concrete for the new floor in stage area.

New Floor 

West side area where the new elevator shaft will be.


Coliseum Update 5-15-20

They brought in gravel and leveled it for a new floor

This is the new supports for the roof above the stage.


Coliseum Update 5-2-20
Looking west we see the wall that was part of the stage is gone.
The wheel chair sidewalk in front is gone.
They are working on the new rooms upstairs.  Here they are loading sheetrock for the walls.
The window is out and they bring it up.
Here the crane turns the load sideways to shove it in the window.  I am way behind, as I learned there is no driver on the truck controling this but rather all is done remotely by the guy on the second floor in the window.  A new age for me!!!
This is the west side where the new entrance will be.  I am sure this is for the new elevator shaft and equipment that will now be part of the basement.
A couple of pictures of the 1963 Homecoming Parade.  The football team played Des Moines Tech (ranked #4 in the state) at Homecoming and beat them 20-6!  


Tornado picture from a drone of Coliseum.

Stage area from the backdoor 4-15-20


The stage is gone!!!

One last beam of the balcony to remove


I had chance to slip in the door in the alley of the coliseum.  They had just completed the work of removing the balcony.  All that is left are the metal beams that held it up.

Steve and I are VERY PROUD of the class participation in our effort to raise 1.35 million dollars for the coliseum!!! As of today, we are 98.2% there!!!  We just need $24,000.00 to hit the goal.  And we will.  Many of you are part of that accomplishment.  You will be forever on the wall of donors when that goes up.  When our committee accepted a check this past week, during our thank you's, our city manager mentioned our committee would be designing the donor wall area in the new hallway entrance. 
I plan to use this website area to post pictures of the progress.  Here are the first few.  I went in with the Park and Rec Director after the workers left Friday.  
Above: front doors and looking left
Above: farther to the left.
Above: to the right and the stairs to the balcony
Above: balcony before it comes down.


Jeff Downing Dine Out 6-25-19

Ed Morrison, Sandra Morrison, Don Hummel, John Helfer, Leo Draegert, Al Hoop, Mike Himes, Jeff Downing, Gayle Hellberg, Alecia Storjohann, Corinne Heil, Steve Storjohann, Stan Heil, Vic Hellberg, Patty Gould Duff, Blanche Draegert, Pat Helfer, K C Collins Hummel, Shirley Gidge Brittian Reed


Jim Studts Dine Out

Stan Heil, Corine Heil, Kathy Bulanek, Jerry Bulanek, Patti Gould Duff, Al Hoop, Vic Hellberg, Gidge Brittain Reed, John Helfer, Patty Lang Helfer, Ed Morrison, Sandra Morrison, Jim Studts, Linda Studts


Debby Garland Johnson Dine Out

Janey Twedt Swartz, Kathy (Debbie's sister), Gidge Brittain Reed, Stan Heil, Pat Lang Helfer, John Helfer, Vic Hellberg, Summer Lindblom  (granddaughter), Aubree Lindblom (Granddaughter), Erika Hellberg Lindblom (daughter), Tom Swartz, Corrine Heil, Barbara Barrigar Norris, Debbie Garland Johnson, Blanche Draegert, Leo Draegert


The Freedom Rock at the American Legion Post has bricks available for carving to place around the rock area.  The committee voted to use some funds to place bricks for our two classmates we lost in the Vietnam War.  Thanks to Mike Himes and Al Hoop.  


Dine Out

The dine out for the wrong Terry Paul turned out great.  Sixteen arrived at Zeno's with 9 being classmates.  Pat Helfer, K. C. Collins Hummel, Vic Hellberg, Ed Morrison, Stan Heil, Al Hoop Patty Gould Duff. Steve Storjohann, and Leo Draegert


Dine out for Tom White


Marion Doggett's Graveside Service 


The first dineout of 2017 is in the books!  Zeno's hit another home run.  Mike Himes presented the idea for our class to purchase a brick for each of our two classmates on the Viet Nam wall, David Rutgers and Dennis Weyker.  The bricks will be placed at the Freedom Rock at the American Legion Post Home.  The cost is $50.00 for each brick.  We voted to pay this from our treasury.  New bricks are added twice a year, before Veterans Day and Memorial Day.  I will post pictures when they are placed.

Mike Himes, Gidge Brittian Reed, Jean Detrich Woolf, Ed Morrison, Pat Helfer, Stan Heil, Jeff Downing, Leo Draegert and Vic Hellberg


Classmate John Gerwin sent me some memorabilia of our class he has saved.  Here is a program from our sophomore year.


Vic Hellberg honors fellow crew members and ship

D.C. trip keeps tradition going

August 21, 2016
By ADAM SODDERS - Staff Writer (asodders@timesrepublican.com) , Times-Republican

Placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery earlier this month was a great honor for Marshalltown veteran Vic Hellberg.

"There's an opportunity to do this on the quarter-hour, between the changing of the guard," he said. "There's a huge process you have to go through.

From 1967-72, Hellberg served in the U.S. Navy and manned the USS Seattle AOE-3, a fast combat support ship.

Marshalltown’s Vic Hellberg visited Washington, D.C. earlier this month to honor all those who served on the USS Seattle AOE-3 fast combat support ship in the vessel’s 36 1/2-year life. He and four former USS Seattle crewmen placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery during the trip. Hellberg said he feels a strong connection with other crew members, and a sense of honor for having served on the USS Seattle.

The USS Seattle AOE-3 Veterans Association co-founder said he filled out the proper paperwork to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and was assigned a day to come out to Washington, D.C.

Hellberg and three other association members carried the wreath down to the tomb, placed it carefully on a stand, and stood back for a salute. A member of the Navy Band played taps as Hellberg, the crew members, the soldiers and the audience gave a salute.

"That was very emotional, to be able to walk across that mat that is walked on by the guards," Hellberg said. "It's an unbelievable feeling."

The sense of honor felt by Hellberg comes not only from his time in the Navy, he said, but also from his father's service in the U.S. Air Force in World War II.

"My dad was a B-17 ball turret gunner," he said. "My father was the president of his bomber group nationally, as I am of this group."

After the visit to Arlington Cemetery, association members enjoyed taking day and night tours of various monuments in the district, as well as a White House tour. They also got together for their annual banquet.

"We go somewhere every year," he said. "This was voted on, that (the association) wanted to go to Washington, D.C."

The association got its start in 2009 when Hellberg and fellow crewman Bill Norris of Houston, Texas, decided to start getting crew members together. Every year since, the association has traveled all over the country for conventions during the first weekend of August.

Hellberg was no newcomer to the nation's capital.

"This was about the fifth time I'd been to Washington," he said. "Each time it's been more exciting than the last."

He called this year's trip and association convention a "high point" of his life because of the honor of placing the wreath and all the history the city has to offer.

"We got 97 people, crew and spouses, at the convention this year," he said. "it's grown every year since we started in 2009."

He said the wreath was placed in honor of ship and crew.

"It was to honor the service of our ship and all the crew members who served on her in her life of 36-1/2 years," he said.

Both Hellberg and Norris were "plank owners," or original crew members of the ship. Both men have also previously been president of the association.

Now, Hellberg acts as the official store owner for the group, selling hats, shirts and other memorabilia to members.

Next year's USS Seattle AOE-3 Veterans Association trip is scheduled for San Francisco, Calif.

"Every one of those guys who come to the convention(s) can't thank us enough for getting this (association) started," Hellberg said. "Each year, it keeps getting better."


Contact Adam Sodders a (641) 753-6611 or asodders@timesrepublican.com



Steve Storjohann steps up again as master of ceremony for the dedication of the Freedom Rock which now resides at the entrance to the American Legion property in Marshalltown.  Here the link to the story which ran on WHO TV.



Twelve classmates made it to share some time with Jeff Downing on only 24 hours notice!! 


Steve Storjohann has been the leader of the Memorial Day service at the Riverside Cemetery for several years.  Good job Steve, your class is proud of your leadership!!


Fun Fall Event


Sunday June 14, 2015 T-R

White is graduate commencement speaker

Former Marshalltown resident Tom White currently serves as the founder and program director for the Master of Arts in Coaching and Athletic Administration program at Concordia University Irvine. His 46-year professional career involves experience in all aspects of sport: teacher-coach, athletic director, college coach, school district athletic administrator and school administrator.

White helped begin the MCAA program in 2005 with nine graduate students. Nearly 1,000 students are currently enrolled in the program. The program has 1,600 alumni in 50 states and eight countries. The MCAA program has become a nationally recognized leader in the field of athletic education, viewing coaching and athletic administration as an academic discipline while responding to and implementing change in the world of athletics.

Six Marshalltown area coaches has earned their Master of Arts in Coaching and Athletic Administration degree from Concordia University-Irvine.


Dave Westin Dine Out

Marion Doggett, Dave Finders, Vic Hellberg, Susan Barr Salter, Patty Gould Duff, Anna Mae Lolwing Wilson, Leo Dragert, KC Collins Hummel, Al Hoop, Dave Westin, Pat Lang Helfer, Nick Giannetto

veteran salute

New Patriot Guard Rider Chaplain
It is with great pleasure that I appoint KC Hummel as our newest PGR Chaplain.
KC has been a PGR member for a long time and the Blue Star Mothers representative for Iowa for even longer.
KC Collins Hummel was born and raised in Marshalltown. She graduated from Marshalltown High School and Marshalltown Community College. She attended Iowa State University and graduated with a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology.
She is married to Don Hummel and they have two children: Heather, a teacher's aid at South Hamilton and Justin, a C-130 navigator  in the USAF and three grandchildren. She comes from a family of military members. Father was a 1st Lt in the Army, uncle was a Sgt in the Army (KIA on Luzon), husband was a Sgt in the USAF, son-in-law is a SSGT in the NE NG and son is a Major in the USAF.
Volunteer work includes 25 years with Iowa 4-H as a leader and horse competitive event coach; taking 5 state championship teams to the National competition, Sunday School teacher, Youth Group leader,  choir member, assistant pianist/organist for her church, Blue Star Mothers of America and the Patriot Guard Riders.
Please join me in welcoming her to our leadership team.
With respect,
Steve Cox
State Captain

Veterans at the Reunion Saturday Night

Front: Ed Morrison, Jeff Downing, John Helfer (Patty Lang’s husband), John Walkup, Jim Button, Bill Jackson, Wayne Bannon, Terry Paul, Dave Culp

Back: Jim Studts, Don Speas (Marilyn Tweed Speas’ husband), Dick Tomhave, Vic Hellberg, Paul Mahnke, Ken Buffington, Steve Storjohann, Greg Barnsten, Mike Himes, Leo Draegert, Ray Zwemke (Judy Koscielski Zwemke’s husband)


John Arney Fundraiser

Bobcat contingent at the Arney FUNdraiser.  He has a great group of friends and family supporting him. 

Pictured: Jeff Downing, Susan Adland Baaken, Greg Barton, Barb Arney,

Cheri Hartwig Hayes, John in front (Doug Wheeler left before picture taking).


Wayne Bannon and Doug Wheeler in Yellowstone National Park June 15-17 -- seeing the rich and famous in Jackson Hole, and the wildlife and 10,000 guysers in Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National parks. 


Woman makes rescue at Union Grove Lake

June 18, 2014

A 57-year-old Garwin woman never thought she would leave a Gladbrook lake as a hero, but last Friday she did.

Darlene Tomhave, a retired Marshalltown High School teacher and Linda Brintnall, her longtime friend from Marshalltown, decided to catch up and enjoy a hot summer afternoon at Union Grove Lake.

Tomhave and Brintnall were the only people sitting on the beach that day.

Article Photos


While the two were visiting Tomhave saw a 6'3, 180-pound man in his early 20s stumbling in the sand to the water.

"He was physically kind of impaired," Tomhave said. "He was stumbling in the sand to the water."

Tomhave tried to ignore him but she couldn't help but notice him acting strangely in the water. As time passed, he went deeper and deeper in the water. Then he started bobbing in and out of the water and began to cough.

"I went to the edge of the water and tried yelling at him," Tomhave said. "I yelled at my friend, 'go try to get some help, this guy is in too deep.'"

Within a matter of minutes, the man was floating in deep water and passed the buoys. Out of the corner of her eye she saw four men from far away.

Tomhave started screaming at those people for help.

The man's bopping began to slow down.

"This is a nightmare," Tomhave said. "I've been watching this guy for like 30 minutes and I didn't want to intervene or overreact and make a fool of myself. I just kind of waited. But this guy was in trouble. He was flopping around, past where he could stand up."

Tomhave couldn't wait. She swam as fast as she could to the man, before the other men could catch up to him.

"I was within a couple feet of him and I saw him go down for the last time," Tomhave said. "I didn't want to get any closer because I was a lifeguard and I knew, if you get any closer they could pull you down then you're gone."

The four men from the beach and Tomhave worked together and pulled the man out of the water. When the man was finally brought to the shore Tomhave whacked the man's cheeks. After she did this he began to cough then sat up.

Tomhave saved the man's life.

"My heart was just pounding out of my chest," Tomhave said. "I knew he was seconds away from drowning. I knew if I wasn't there and didn't see him flopping around, he would've been gone. Those men had no idea."

The man Tomhave rescued used the restroom at the shelter house at the end of the beach, he was with the men who helped her save him.

From there he went on to the beach and into he water, Tomhave said.

Tomhave said she regrets not asking who the man was, she said she thinks the group is from out of town. Either way, she knew she was meant to be at the beach that day.

"He would've been on the bottom," Tomhave said. "My friend said, 'you're never too old to save a life.'"

Tomhave and Brintnall said they hope people will be safe while they are swimming.

"People need to use good judgement and be safe around water," Brintnall said. "People should be thinking about and watching for others as well, you can never be too safe."


Classmate Greg Barnsten is Honored

Inline Image Not Displayed

Inline Image Not Displayed



Former Marshalltown resident finds new career helping others

Air Force and teaching provided foundation

November 10, 2013
By MIKE DONAHEY - Staff Writer (mdonahey@timesrepublican.com) , Times-Republican

"My life has been a good one," said Wayne Bannon, 66, of Memphis, Tenn.

The Marshalltown native was in a reflective mood discussing two careers - one in the Air Force - and another as an educator.

Both were extremely rewarding but it his present career as a volunteer that he finds exciting.

Article Photos


Bannon, who proudly calls himself a member of the Marshalltown High School class of 1964, doesn't consider his efforts to make a Memphis a better place to live, work - rather, he considers it a blessing in his life.

His efforts have ranged from implementing a program which tutored high school students after school to Habitat for Humanity and related housing projects.

He found time to help the United Way, the local blood bank and many others not only as a volunteer, but a project manager.

Each volunteer initiative gave him the opportunity to meet more people, gain more knowledge and thereby more effectively help those in need.

He was a key organizer of the Whitehaven Alliance of Churches and Neighborhoods.

"The goal of the organization is to encourage churches and families in specific neighborhoods to reach out and identify the needs of their community and work together to meet those needs," he said.

Bannon help organized the churches to sponsor the first blood drive hosted by the African-American community.

He was inspired and has become a 12-gallon blood donor.

Bannon and others followed up that success with an opportunity to assist those living in low-income apartments by establishing a mobile dental van for residents, providing GED instruction and holding job fairs.

After high school graduation, Bannon took a position with Marshalltown's KIOWA Corp. (now Ace Precision International, LLC).

His plan was to have an extensive career at the business.

"My plans were to remain there and live a happy and prosperous life," he said.

However, a change of heart directed him to enlist in the U.S. Air Force. And that change of heart was life changing, as his military career took Bannon throughout the United States and around the world. Seattle, Amarillo, Texas, Mesa, Ariz. and Ramstein, Germany and finally Memphis, Tenn. were points of call.

In his travels he met fellow MHS graduates Terry Mellows in Italy and Ron Wooster in Germany.

Following his honorable discharge in 1969, he was accepted into a pilot undergraduate program at the former University of Memphis (now Memphis State University).

"I have been in Memphis ever since," Bannon said. "But I always will consider Marshalltown home."

The pilot program, sponsored by the federal government, paid all tuition if Bannon would commit to teaching physical education in the Memphis public schools following graduation.

After graduation, Bannon embarked on a challenging, but rewarding 20-year career as a physical education teacher and football coach.

He retired as an educator in 2003, but the organizational skills learned in the Air Force and as an educator would serve him well working with not-for-profit organizations.

His knack of meeting people with Marshalltown connections followed him to Memphis and took place in the summer of 2012.

Volunteers with the Catholic Heart Work Camp were in town.

Each summer a group of approximately 1,200 sophomores, juniors and seniors works nation wide to clean property, mend fences, repair roofs and a variety of other tasks to the improve the lives and property of those in need.

One day Bannon was visiting with a group of the youth from Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

"One such volunteer was Jack Ballaltak of Minnesota," Bannon said. "He is the grandson of Larry and Joyce Ballaltak of Marshalltown. Jack is to be commended for his unselfishness in helping those in need."

Vic Hellberg, of Marshalltown, who knew Bannon as a fellow classmate from junior high through high school, was not surprised to learn of Bannon's achievements both in education and as a community volunteer.

"I'm not surprised he had a successful career as an educator," Hellberg said. "I think it was a good fit for Wayne. And he returns to Marshalltown once a year to help with our class of 1964 projects. So, I'm not surprised that in retirement, he is still making substantial contributions and helping others."



 BBQ 2013

L to R: Jeff Downing, Doug Finders, Jerry Bulanek, Willie Andrews, Vic Hellberg, Al Hoop, Leo Draegert, Ed Morrison, Wayne Bannon, Bob Andrews, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Mike Himes, Anna Mae Lolwing Wilson, Steve Storjohann, Susan Berg Rozmarin, Jim Wolfe, Penny Ream, Terry Paul, Tom White, Susan Eker Malloy. K C Collins Hummel, Patty Gould Duff, Dave Elledge, Jim DeGrado, Jean Detrich Woolf, Kay Momberg DeGrado and Larry Hazen.




Steve Storjohann and Vic Hellberg, both past commanders, were honored tonight by the American Legion at its annual birthday dinner.  Both legionnaires were presented with life memberships for past contributions to the local post.

Classmate Stan Heil was on the TR front page the other night!!


Our First "Valley of the Sun" Dine Out



Record Setting Dine Out

Front-- John Walkup, Bob Anderson, Wayne Bannon, Jim DeGrado

Center -- Pat Lang Helfer, Ed Morrison, K C Collins Hummel, Sherry Bell Folks, Debbie Garland Johnson, Nancy Brees, Jean Detrich Woolf, Kay Momberg DeGrado

Back -- Marion Doggett, Vic Hellberg, Leo Draegert, Al Hoop, Willie Andrews, Steve Storjohann, Stan Heil,  Doug Finders


"Where's Wayne"

He missed all the FUN sitting at the Memphis airport!  He didn't get into Des Moines until 10:00 PM.  Surprise for the night was Dan Hathaway from Indiana.  Also the winner of the free dine out contest was May Bjelland Stock from Cedar Rapids and our main stay traveler K C Collins Hummel (a 5 hour round trip-- WOW)

Front - May Bjelland Stock, Wayne in spirit, Nancy Brees

Middle - Pat Lang Helfer, Kay Momberg DeGrado, K C Collins Hummel, Vic Hellberg, Stan Heil

Back - Bob Anderson, Leo Draegert, Dan Hathaway, Jim DeGrado, Al Hoop






Marilyn Tweed Speas Dine Out


Front - Jean Detrich Woolf, Marilyn Tweed Speas, Nancy Brees, Kay Momberg DeGrado

Back - Doug Finders, Stan Heil, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Barbara Wehrman Samuels, KC Collins Hummel, Al Hoop, Jim DeGrado, Vic Hellberg


Third Annual MHS Class of 1964 BBQ

Our picture of this event was on Sunday morning after a wonderful breakfast together.  We were having such a good time Saturday evening we forgot to take our group picture with all in attendance.  Several classmates took pictures during all three days and they will post in the new BBQ 2012 gallery inside the Class Photo Gallery.  Keep checking back to see who has posted pictures.  What great stories and memories were shared!




Doug Wheeler Dine Out

Bob Anderson, Jim DeGrado, Vic Hellberg, Stan Heil

Pat Lang Helfer, Doug wheeler, Jerry Bulanek

K C Collins Hummel, Kay Momberg DeGrado, Jean Detrich Woolf, Nancy Breeze, Pat Gould Duff


Our Dineout With LaDonna Quirk Gotshall

Pat Lang Helfer, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Patty Gould Duff, Al Hoop, Vic Hellberg, Leo Draegert

Jim DeGrado, K.C. Collins Hummel, LaDonna Quirk Gotshall, Jean Detrich Woolf, Kay Momberg DeGrado



Dave Westen Dineout

Marion Doggett, Leo Draegert, Pam Knight Arment, Jean Detrich Woolf, Patty Gould Duff, Pat Lang Helfer, K C Collins Hummel, Dave Westen


Patty Gould Duff and Wayne Bannon Dine Out

Back: Stan Heil, Jerry Bulanek, Patty Gould Duff, Pat Lang Helfer, Al Hoop, Vic Hellberg, Marion Doggett

Middle: Kay Momberg DeGrado, Jean Detrich Woolf, Wayne Bannon

Front: Jim DeGrado




Debby Garland Johnson Dine Out

   Back row: Doug Finders, Leo Draegert, Marion Doggett. Phil Lander, KC Collins Hummel, Vic Hellberg, Jim DeGrado 

       Front row:  Kay Momberg DeGrado, Beverly Anderson Elliott,  Pat Lang Helfer, Debby Garland Johnson, Sherry Bell Folks



“Patty Gould Duff doing an excellent job of providing a tour for Pat Lang Helfer and her husband, John at Las Vegas.”


Next Class BBQ

September 14 - 16, 2012

Here is some classmate news from out of the TR Monday Sept. 26, 2011


Marshalltown's Stan Thomas readies to mount his 1972 Harley-Davidson Super Glide after winning both the Mayor's Choice Award and First Place Vintage at the conclusion of Sunday's Motorcycle Show & Rodeo.


Second annual "Barbie" ruled a complete success.
As always, this generous class has risen above expectations.  We placed donation sacks out for our website and the BBQ costs.  Expenses for the BBQ were $480.00 and you gave $576.00.  The cost of the upgrade of the to our website was $396.00 and you gave $575.00!!!  Much of the website donations came from our long distance classmates.  As always you go above and beyond!!  Now Joe has a couple of hundred dollars seed money for our cookbook.

Video done by Denise Andrews at Wayne's Dine Out

Copy and past the link below into your browser to watch




Ron Fontanini Dine Out

April 8. 2011

Back Row: Stan Heil, Vic Hellberg, Ron Fontanini, Leo Draegert, Donna Rainsbarger Gerest. Marion Doggett, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Al Hoop, Jerry Bulanek, Jim DeGrado, Mike Himes, Nick Giannetto,

Front Row: Jean Detrich Woolf, Candy Brown Baker, Barb Wehrman Samuels, Nancy Brees, K. C. Collins Hummel, Kay Momberg DeGrado 


Dine out 3-23-11

Look who was there!!!


Stan Heil, Larry O'Neal. Gene Gall, Al Hoop, Sam Vint Halter, Kay Momberg DeGrado, Debbie Garland Johnson, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Pat Lang Helfer, Leo Draegert, Jim DeGrado, Marion Doggett, Vic Hellberg, Tom Swartz.







Twelve classmates ate together on December 30th at Joe's Italian Grill.  Great fun, good food and two new classmates joined us for the first time.  Again several were still visiting when the restaurant closed.  It was also fun to talk to Joe Childs who almost flew in from Phoenix to join us.  I think most of us jumped on the cell phone to visit with Joe. Keep watching here for further announcements.  Please send ideas that could  get  you to join us to: info@mhsclassof64.com.


 Stan Heil, Jane Hauser Hays, Leo Draegert, Vic Hellberg, Candy Brown Baker, Bob Anderson, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Jim DeGrado, Pat Lang Helfer, Al Hoop, Mary Lee Backoff, Kay Momberg DeGrado


Your committee has three new members, Nancy Brees, Jerry Bulanek, and Bill Andrews. 


The successful BBQ has been renewed for 2011.  Mark you calendar for Sept. 16 and 17.  More information will be forthcoming as plans are finalized.


Bobcat BBQ & Camping

was enjoyed by all.

More pictures to follow-

Where else should it start???

Jeff Downing, Mike Pukacz, Joe Childs, Vic Hellberg

Dave Elledge, Larry O'Neal, Mike Himes, Bob Anderson

Jeff, Joe, Dave, Larry, Mike, and Bob









Dinner with Penny Ream 7-1-10

Penny Ream, Vic Hellberg, Gayle Hellberg, Pat Lang Helfer,

Judy Anderson and Bob Anderson


Feb. 24, 2010 Dinner Out

Front row: Kay Momberg DeGrado, Diana Youngblood Muckelroy, Patty Gould Duff, Pat Lang Helfer

Back row: Marion Doggett, Doug Finders, Al Hoop, Jim DeGrado, Vic Hellberg


If anyone plans a visit to Marshalltown, send me notice early so we can plan ahead. 


Classmate Tom White's brother has a scholarship given as a memorial in his name to a student football player each year during a basketball game.  Tom comes home approximately every two months to check on his mom.  On his last trip they both attended the presentation at the round house.   Jim DeGrado took these pictures for us.



Paul Dysart memorial gift to MHS


Members of the Marshalltown High School Class of 1964 present the MHS Journalism Department a monetary donation in the memory of classmate Biff Dysart.  Pictured from left to right are, Pat Helfer, Pebbles newspaper editors Kelsey Beurskens and Samantha Gill, Wayne Bannon, Vic Hellberg     and Leo Draegert.


By Kelsey Beurskens and Samantha Gill

A monetary donation was presented to the Marshalltown High School Journalism Department in memory of 1964 graduate and Pebbles Editor-in-Chief Paul “Biff” Dysart.

According to his classmates, Dysart was involved in journalism throughout his life. “Biff was the founder of the Marshall Times and eventually sold it to the T-R,” 1964 graduate Wayne Bannon said. “He always found small stories that weren’t getting a lot of attention and brought them into the public eye.”

MHS Principal Bonnie Lowry said that Dysart enjoyed keeping up with various activities at MHS.  “He always drove one of the convertibles in the Homecoming Parade,” she stated.

According to Dysart’s classmate and 1964 graduate Pat Helfer, he was a very innovative individual. “He was a dedicated and loyal person to the community.  He served on the city council and did a lot of behind the scenes work,” she explained.

 Willie Andrews

 65th Birthday

 Denise Andrews sucessfully pulled off a surprise birthday party for Willie's 65th birthday.  It was held at the Blue Note Bar in downtown Marshalltown December 26th.  I have posted a couple of  pictures of the event.  Several classmates were on hand but most in attendance were family and friends including family from as far away as St. Louis.  The entertainment was class of 65 exceptional singer Steve George and his group.  Denise also had cooked up a storm and had a huge buffet for us all and a few extra Blue Note regulars and Steve George followers who were also in attendance.  Several remarks were heard that the BBQ ribs were the best they had ever eaten including my wife.  The only exception to those sentiments was expressed by Willie who said his were better!!  A good time was had by all.

Birthday Pictures


Willie Andrews and Barry Lynch

Steven George (Class of 65) singing with Bob Pace Band

Pat Lang Helfer, Bob Anderson, Willie Andrews, Wayne Bannon, Barry Lynch and Vic Hellberg 











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•   Micheal Himes  8/9
•   Leo E Draegert  6/5
•   Jeff Downing  4/12
•   Jim Burrows  3/30
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